Културадас АкадемиИспански език за деца

Чрез забавни ЛЕГО проекти и креативни практики от Испания, създаваме трайна връзка с изкуството и културата на испано-езичния свят.

We quickly discovered a common language with the Brazilian Tadeu Bianconi, a melodic mixture of Spanish and Portuguese. What also connects us is the way in which he sees Latin America. For me what was valuable in his exhibition was that I saw his ‘map of the look’, the look of a person who is...

Miriam: from Mexico to Sofia

Miriam is from Mexico but lives here in Sofia. She gladly responded to my invitation to be a guest on this blog and opened the doors of her home to me, something which is very personal and which I immensely appreciate. Our meeting began with this conversation, after which we carried on chatting about countless...

Cuba & Irenia

Cuba. So full of contradictions and difficult to understand. Every single one of the elegant buildings in Havana has peeling facades. The air on the renowned coastal boulevard, Malecón is saturated not only with iodine vapours in the morning but also with saltpetre. (See ‘Dirty Havana Trilogy’ by Pedro Juan Gutiérrez publ. by Faber &...

A Sofia based cosmopolitan: Javier

He is a Basque, a Spaniard, a European, a true cosmopolitan. He has lived and worked in various cities in the world. We first met each other in New York without suspecting that after several years we would work together, here in Sofia. He’s been in our country since September of last year as the...

Zdravko and Angel in Central America

Zdravko and Angel can, with just a few words, make you feel, taste and sense the real Central America, a place where people don’t hurry, they smile, they help you(if you speak to them in Spanish) and they still communicate with each other, personally and from the heart. They shared their impressions of each day...

The writer Bernardo Atxaga

Although it’s an axiom of the writer Bernardo Atxaga that ‘To answer one question you need at least 5 hours; if you don’t have so much time available, it’s better not to answer at all’, in the 10 minutes of free time which was all we had at our disposal, he seemed to manage to...

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